Taishya Adams

Here are Taishya Adams’ answers to Boulder Housing Network’s four questions:

1. Where does housing rank amongst your priorities for the three-year term you are
seeking? What housing policies or programs will you advocate to include in Council’s 2024-2025 work plan?

One of my campaign pillars is Habitat for ALL. Housing is habitat for humans and continues to be exclusionary, discriminatory, and unaffordable in our city. I also advocate for increased habitat for non-humans (e.g. animals, plants, and other living organisms) as well since we are deeply interconnected. Habitat for humans and other species must go hand in hand.

2. Where and by what means during your three year term should Boulder create more middle-
income housing? By middle-income housing, we mean housing that is attainable to households
earning $80,000 to $150,000 a year.

The City of Boulder does not currently have/use a climate risk assessment which is critical to ensure that any housing is responsive to changing climate and available/projected natural resources (e.g. water). Results of this type of assessment will help determine location for both in-fill housing as well as housing in Area III and elsewhere.

3. What would you like to tell our subscribers that you will do during your three year term to
create housing that is at least somewhat affordable for middle-income residents?

As a middle-income earner who has rented for the last 11 years in the City of Boulder, I will work to reimagine our affordable housing programs to align the financial supports with the actual market rates. I want every renter in good standing to be able to buy the home/house/apartment that they rent. I also want our affordability programs to allow for intergenerational wealth building – one of the many ways that marginalized people contributed to our society but did not benefit from that labor.

4. What are the biggest obstacles to creating the type of housing that you have just discussed,
and what role can City Council play in removing them?

The biggest obstacles to creating affordable housing for low and middle-income residents of Boulder is the continued lack of meaningful representation on city council, the city’s boards, and commission – especially in planning – by low and middle-income residents. Having renters and middle-income residents represented on the council allows for critical lived experience and stronger data-driven decision-making. The City of Boulder must continue to review, revise, and eliminate unnecessary permitting obstacles.

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